February was the month I went to Paris and remembered why I love so much being there.
February was when I promised (for the 3rd time...) I'd take French lessons and not make a fool of myself at any two sentences en français.
February was the month I told the world my love for a French Chef (and didn't get divorced).
February was when Paris had better weather forecasts than Lisbon.
February was the month French Cuisine had a call to become 'World Heritage', opening the discussion.
February was when I decided I'd have another take at Portuguese Cuisine.
February was the month I baked madeleines, clafoutis and brioche.
You do understand I had to smile when I read the Daring Bakers Challenge for February, don't you? Is there any recipe more fitting then Julia Child's French Bread? Merci beaucoup Breadchick Mary of The Sour Dough and Sara of I Like to Cook!!

February was the month I baked 2 baguettes & 1 epi following a 10 pages' recipe!
My thoughts on the challenge:
- The recipe worked like a charm. It's definitely time consuming - it took me 12 hours to taste a slice of delicious French bread!
- I used T55 flour. It's a high gluten flour, just perfect for this type of bread needs.
- Yeast's quantity was slightly smaller. I used dry baker's yeast, about 3/4 pack.
- My baguettes' slashes are very clumsy. I didn't have a proper blade. I'll definitely use one if baking baguettes again.
- I used a little semolina to prevent baguettes and epi to stick to the tea towel I used after shaping the bread.
- My pizza stone was perfect. I used parchment paper for the first 10 minutes, moved the bread to the stone then and baked normally.
- The epi turned out better than the baguettes. For a great explanation of how to cut an epi, go here.
- I froze the baguettes. We already ate one - it was also very good after defrosting according to the recipe notes.
- Patience is hardly one of my qualities. I waited patiently for the bread to cool before slice it! I didn't know I had it in me. Thank you Daring Bakers!

Check for the original recipe at Breadchick Mary of The Sour Dough and Sara of I Like to Cook.